Sunday, February 19, 2012

Me First

Everything comes at a price. Right?

The pavement hasn't changed, but the people walking on it has. Tunnel vision alley, but that's okay - It's all about me, baby!

I cried today cause it's getting harder to see this life with human eyes. There's pain everywhere - it doesn't matter what's in the bank, what you have, who you are or who the world says you are --

Shhh... The question period has ended.

The constant buzz keeps us numb - buzz from whatever helps distract from reality. The cold hard truth. What matters. What money can't buy. That one day we all have something to account for.

The mirror is an opposite reality of what is - the other side of us that only we (the sole watcher) knows.

Motives bleed in time. The truth behind a smile, a word...sometimes friendship. I have friends in their 80s. I'm so thankful for them. I wouldn't know true kindness without such people - I would probably grit my teeth believing that the world is truly unkind and full of greed, which much of it is. I hate that cold, hard fact.

Me first. You last. Me now. You never. Me-me. Who are you?