Sunday, June 8, 2014

60 secs of Clarity

The day begins as it normally would.

Eyes open, deep breath in/out. Sun filtering though curtains. The window's open, birds singing - that same cardinal year after year, same tree, same branch. It's his voice I often hear, a tiny reminder that aside from all the ugly news that bombards your senses - Life is beautiful.

So I was out and about, I don't remember where specifically, what I was thinking beforehand, or what I was doing, but in a moment of clarity, I'll call it clarity, every whisper of fear, doubt and anxiousness left every pore of me. And in this sudden breath I felt an elated wave of happiness, joy and peace, knowing everything would be okay. Better than okay.

It wasn't just 60 secs. It lasted several minutes.

These moments don't come by often. There's often a tap on the shoulder, reminding you that somewhere/somehow you're not measuring up. We all know that intruding voice well. 

Such thoughts should only be a ten second gnash of the brain. Chew quickly. Spit out.

But those moments of clarity are awesome. Truly a natural high. For myself, I can only thank God for such moments, knowing that he's got my back.

And knowing he's got my back, I feel assured that this summer is going to be especially awesome. I don't know exactly why or how, and I dare not fill in the blanks. I can only remain faithful, pray and do my part, leaving the rest to him.

One thing I do know is that this summer will be filled with laughter, great memories with people I love, new relationships, a finished script, endless walks on the beach, and lots of ice cream.  

Doesn't that sound awesome already? Does to me.

I hope it's the same for you too.