Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blah, Blah. Purple hair.

It's cold. The mean kind of cold. The kind that eats at your bones. The kind where your nostrils stick together after 10 seconds. The kind where you long for steamy summer days.

It's been damn blah. The weather, dreary and worn. People are sick, attacked with the flu which they spread to others. Stay at home and work it out. Don't cough all over the TTC door handle and spread the love.

I blame Autumn. Such a lazy Fall, since it rolled over and ditched 2013, ushering in the  bite of this Polar Vortex. I hope Spring elbows its way in, cutting into March. A Spring that melts your cares away.

These days my bones are aching. Brain on massive overload, near fried. There's nothing to do but make it work. Work till something more "Me" comes along.

But I'm trying to stay positive. Can you tell from the mini-rant above.

Tried colouring my hair purple. Like, Katy Perry purple, but it's more Goth black purple, which is better I think. More me. I colour my hair when I'm happy, so I'm not totally lost in the woods. Just resting.

February will give me some more open time. Time to write. Meet up with a new friend, who I still have to call and set a date.

side note: Don't dwell. Just let it go.