Thursday, June 14, 2012

You Lose

Nice people finish very f**king last.

Maybe I have life all wrong. This could explain so much. Questions that have burned for years - the smoke still waiting to be snuffed out.

I was that good kid. Never liked when anyone was treated unfairly, unkindly or teased like a rabid animal.

side note: I'm sorry D.Kenny when my friends and I caged you between the wall and a hockey net, kicking you with eight pointy shoes. I still regret that to this day. Though I do recall it was for some kind of payback. But I still feel bad I contributed. 

But this niceness can sometimes feel like a curse. It's like this giant sign other people can see that you do not that reads "SUCKA". That's the plight of nice people. Other crappy people use it for their messed up, selfish as hell advantage.

When will truth rear its face to hold a mirror to those that tread on others without care.

Mindless a**holes. Talking s**t. Spewing s**t. Eating s**t. It must feel damn awesome to be you . Looking in the mirror - what the heck do you see? I'm curious.

See. I'm not one to defend myself when the lies start to pour down like a hail storm (happens to kind people). I don't play games and refuse to acknowledge crap. I walk away and allow fate/God/life to choose that precise moment for you.

I'm only in your face if you talk crap about a friend and I'm there to hear it. Then it's just you and me. And it don't matter, 5 feet - 6 feet - 10 feet tall - We're going to exchange words.

But back to being kind.

Yeah. It's a raw deal to be kind. It's in me though, like this natural breathing thing. But I'm considering shelving it for a while, just to see. Maybe I'll sleep on it. The morning may change this not so kind feeling.

And honesty is up there with being kind. Like twins, they travel conjoined. Sucks when people mistake a kind remark for something else. I just say what I mean without agenda. I lose nothing sharing compliments and encouragement.

I don't need you that way.