Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Secret

It's taking a while to write this... weeks, maybe more. The info coming in keeps changing, but the end result is the same. I've also been incredibly grieved at where humanity is heading.

So, in January, the world watched Wuhan fall to its knees. I got this immediate check in my spirit that something irreversible was happening. Fingers started to blame, and they haven't stopped. What matters now, in my opinion, is the end game.  

I knew industries would be touched, but not to this level? No. And this tsunami doesn't look to be ending. 

We all woke to a new day that quickly turned twilight, our vision barely adjusting to the dark. And yet there, in the far distance, the faint gallop of A Death Rider strides, whispering its ill-gotten plan. Some were well-aware of its mission (exhale), but never to this. It's rather brilliant. 

That A WEE little cold/flu can decimate the entire globe. The ENTIRE globe. The entire GLOBE.

But we're safe, just stay inside. Save all the hugs for tomorrow. Be patient. What's another month? 

"Don't leave the house" the parrots squawk in a sick serenade. Some with guns drawn.    

This unquestioned obedience frightens me. Who exactly is calling the shots? I can't point to an exact target, and there are names swirling, but I doubt they are the sole culprit. No, I don't think we've seen their true faces yet.  

So what do "they" want? 

It's definitely not money, they have all the money they want. That digital push button is limitless. But your ability to make money, and survive? Oh yeah, they want that. Independence scares the shit out of them. 

You cannot control what does not need you. 

They want you to beg, eventually, for money, to live, to eat, to return to a "new 
normal". Whatever the f**k that means. Whoever came up with that should be shot. 

And we can only get back to this "new normal" with a global shot.  I know so many people that are waiting for it, pleading, oblivious to what it will rob from them. It's ironic.

And Bill Gates with his invisible handlers?

It's a bit too easy. That patents and plans are all on the table for the world to see. That people are incensed, demanding the head of BG on a stake. I'm right with them, too, but I'm also watching and listening. It's very "on the nose", isn't it? Too easy to point out. And this reaction of many is to be expected. 

Now, is there a vaccine? For sure. With a chip? Oh, yeah, we've been told that its in the pipe for some time. But from this man?

Now, this is just me. My thoughts:

With so much of the world informed of the chip, this DNA changing chip, where payment in crypto$$ will be allotted (cause cash will be gone, debts gone, currency gone), why/who would be daft enough to run to the head of the line, besides the stubbornly uninformed? No one. 

I think Gates is a well-crafted (puppet), a distraction, and will be easily tossed to the side. Until the true "thing", I don't know what to call it, yet, arrives. The world will be excited with open arms, delighted to be saved. Sooo many people want Gates dead, sooo many are fully aware of the chipping plan - it's no secret. And that's what bugs me.  

It's no secret

If the ultimate plandemic is about control, what better way than to believe that you caused the tide to turn. You brought Goliath down (us collectively). My fear is that the Goliath behind "Gates" will appear harmless, but will continue the plan forward, with our consent.  

keep you posted.