Saturday, September 9, 2017

Before Dust

No one said it was easy... to wake up in the morning. 

The dawn breaks, night falls, and clouds roll over, but the ground has yet to change. Footsteps trample over as strangers pick at the weeds. 

"Oh, look, I found another one," they shout. 

It's easy to spot weeds when they don't grow in your own backyard. It's easy to pull on the ugly when there is never a fear in turning back.

No one said it was easy... to wake up in the morning. 

The sun pushes hard against the clouds, it begs to shine, it wants to give life to everything, everyone, below. But God has another plan, and the harvest must wait. So take a breath and let us turn down the bed for another night.

side note:

I know of this one weed called Sally. She grew in the shade, she never knew another weed. But she was never alone, she befriended many ants and earthworms. They never saw her as a weed, no, they saw so much more. She was their shelter from the rain, and her leaves wrapped them like the warmth of a mother's hand. Sally was and will always be more than a weed. But ask the flowers, and they'll tell you different. Lesson for today: not all flowers are pretty.

No one said it was easy... to wake up in the morning.

When it's dark and the the bridge has torn a part, and the only one who can fix it has walked away. 

"I don't care. I don't want to fix it. Let the wood rot and the nails turn brittle from rust. I've cared enough for the bridge, I no longer want to shoulder it. It's over." 

"What happened to the bridge, how did it break?"

" A storm fell on it. A cyclone. Like a scream it beat down for almost an hour, turning up the earth and the dead in it. It drew blood from many yesterdays, fueled by fear, unable to see beyond itself."

"Will the bridge ever be repaired?"

"I don't know..."

No one said it was easy... to wake up in the morning.

To the woman without water who cries for her children, or the man without a friend who turns to God with fragmented words... I see you. And to the tree once filled with cobwebs, you are now free to grow. Be strong with firmly planted roots (take your time tree, take your time to grow). 

And to my friend, hold on through the sunny days and storms called life. You have no reason to explain yourself to anyone. Never fear, and confide in God if you can, for he can read laughter and understands tears. 

I have faith in you.

Update: My ankle fracture is almost all good (so she says). 

I broke in new shoes, today, and searched the city for black. I love wearing black, any other color makes me a bit uneasy. But this time round the thrill was less than. I'm not buying for me.