Like the sound of a steed galloping in the distance. Like a dreamer about to wake from deep sleep, something approaches.
Pages have been written about this day. Endless songs played and replayed. Catch breath, because something approaches.
side note: have you ever sat beside an octopus? It ain't pretty. It's also not so pretty to be spoken to in this way... like I'm void of brains. A half-wit. A shell. Fucking offensive.
When I was young I made this promise. No green light. No go. ...Is the light soon turning green... I thought this while on the subway, commuting to work. It was early, or some time of day, but it crossed my mind. And this thought NEVER crosses my mind.
I'll keep you posted.
Yeah... The quality has been bad. More insincere than bad. More dishonest than insincere. Honor and Valor have gone off the trails, afraid to be upright, to be what it should be. This saddens me.
... I'll keep you posted.