When are secrets secrets, and how does one know who to trust? I'm struggling with this right now, and it sucks! Like I said, honesty is everything to me.
I take secrets to the grave, no matter what the state of a relationship is. Sometimes even when it's not a secret, when you know it's best not to speak a word - one doesn't have to be told "shhh, don't tell".
In this world where people climb on the backs of "friends" and "peers" to reach that level, where secrets and sometimes half-truths, half-truths which is just a lie, sizzle and pop, where does trust factor in? Cause lips as much as ears enjoy the sticky sweet drama. The he said, she said bullsh*t. The "did you hear such-and-so" load of crap.
When high school was behind me, a most horrible period of time, I thought the childish dramas would end. But they don't, they only grow more tangled. Cause unlike the cafeteria, the main foyer, or behind the gym where fists, brows and hair gets pulled, bringing the shame into the light, grown-ups take it to another place. It becomes more plotting, b*tchy, and used to hurt reputations in the workplace, and even sometimes church.
Best to keep the long nose out of it. Look elsewhere, and keep track of your own life. The fall can be considerable and take years to mend, for both parties.
But everyday is a day to learn from, to know what counts, to make amends, to hope for the best and to be thankful. And I am thankful.