Part 1
As Alice falls down the rabbit hole, thumping and bumping against raggedy edges, her tender flesh scraped and cut on wild twisted roots, she wonders how much farther the drop will be?
After the rocky landing, stars spinning above her crown, pupils rolling like marbles - she grabs her forehead. Words finally stand still.
All is murky and dim. Mr. Cottontail no where in sight. Was it just a terrible dream? One brought on by a deluge of sweets and endless bad TV?
Standing on her feet she begins to walk, following the will in her heart, though fear creeps within a few heartbeats from behind. The only option is the future. The past is already forgotten. Forever.
R.I.P Yesterday.
Ahead a dim light is visible. lt grows brighter with each step. She swallows hard, scared shi*less. She enters a room, vast and endless to the eye.
Beneath a halo of light two doors stand. One is large and ornate, wrapped in gold dust. She sweeps her fingers across the glittery surface. The other is smaller and plain. She sweeps her fingers across that one and gets a splinter. Bloodlets dot the ground.
"Choose Biotch!" they speak aloud.
Alice bites her lip...this may take a moment.