Thursday, July 13, 2017


It LURKS. While sitting at the kitchen table, the chair facing the window, the window facing a bedroom - my bedroom. 


Is he just super lonely? Cause the silence across the fence is but a dead calm. A sudden calm which has not peeped a sound for many upon many days. Before this calm I would hear a constant flow of chatter followed by a rough smokers cough. Just where has that cough gone?

We's a mystery. We've summed up many possibilities, but only God knows, as well as the one who LURKS. Her car still parked in the drive way. Even her dog is nada in sight. 

But he who LURKS is much too quiet, alone in his 4 bedroom home. He mows the lawn twice a week, back and forth in perfect straight lines. I too lurk, mini-lurk, only due to the amount of his LURKness.

What do they say about the ones who end up in prison, having snatched the life of an innocent soul? 

: he was a nice guy
: Quiet, kept to himself

Maybe my boredom and imagination is getting the better of me. That will soon change.

ankle update: getting better with each day.