Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 26 - Flabby Fibs

Toronto is a city where almost anything goes. Tall, small, thick, thin, rockers, hipsters, what have you.

Perhaps the same is true in LA. Perhaps: The land of lanky palm trees.

But are people (women) expected to follow a certain unattainable standard without some form of sacrifice. Food being such a sacrifice.

I'm not a size two. I range between a size 4-7 pending the label. But even within such limits, eyebrows (in LA) cock to the sky. Yeah, my ass is J-Lo'ish, which makes finding jeans a challenge. Many cuts are geared towards pre-pubescent boys.

In the 90s, the standard Supermodel size was 6. My how we've botched the size curve.

In LA people sneer, even putting down their own kin. Even putting down themselves while swimming in their size 4 frame.

"Too fat. Too thick. She'll never find anyone. Who would marry her? Who would marry me?"

I'm not used to such talk.

Where did such truths begin? It's a BIG FAT LIE!!!

The quality of a person has little to do with the measure of their waistline. A waste of truth sold to the flabby size 4, sick to the stomach, an empty stomach, wishing to be double 00.

My parents could have remained in LA, back when I was a wee palm tree in the making. But they opted for Canada - Land of the free to think and be whatever the heck you want without someone pushing a size standard down your throat.

Thank goodness for that.

I could've been like so many, weighted beneath the shame of curves and having a booty women pay/pray for.

There's this messed up show, a mirror-mimic of Jersey Shore. Instead of Italians, it's Koreans. I can't tell you how many Koreans are reeling. Many refuse to give it attention.

It's only avail on Youtube.

So, in Ep. 2, there's this lame, drink tossing, fight between two girls. Two thin girls. Thin girl #1, a double 00, says to Thin girl #2, "Why are you fat? Asian girls are supposed to be thin/skinny" something crazy like that.

So breeds the flabby insanity.